Porcelain Waste Bowl Blues

Oranges like false lemon sunmachines blurting out prose answers to poetic questions is yellow the colour of gravity? Albino oranges turned insideoutshinedsunnysideup pealing fleshy white…

Blindspots // You are the piece

Dette er ideen til en installation jeg har rumsteret med i et stykke tid. I et mørkt gallerirum placeres et overvågningskamera foran en sort boks,…

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Bing (Sound)-Cing (Nonsense)-Ding (Sound)-Fing (Nonsense)-Ging (Nonsense) –Hing (Nonsense)-Jing (Nonsense)-King (ELVIS)-Ling (OH)-Ming (Dynasty)-Ning (Nonsense)-Ping (Goodbye Molloy)-Qing-Ring (To rule them all-Sing (happy songs)-Ting (Irish Thing)-Ving (Nonsense probably…