A Grief Observed: Lewis and Donne on Mourning
Oxford scholar C.S. Lewis is known throughout most of the world for The Cronicles of Narnia. To a Danish audience at least, it is perhaps…
Oxford scholar C.S. Lewis is known throughout most of the world for The Cronicles of Narnia. To a Danish audience at least, it is perhaps…
Velkommen til the Nonfiction Guide. Det er altid en tidskrævende proces at finde gode tekster til undervisning. Eleverne har adgang til bjerge af study guides…
Skal du arbejde med nonfiction i engelsk? Jeg elsker den amerikanske journalist Anna Hulls. som jeg første gang stødte på i bogen Fortællende journalistik af…
Teaching the American dream and identity? Two score and sixteen years ago, civil rights activist Malcolm X climbs the rostrum at Cory Methodist Church in…
Jeg så just et opslag, hvor en underviser efterlyste materiale til et forløb om health and body image. Det gav mig idéen til at skrive…