
The other side of takeout is mildew on rice


there will be more world
i could write about it
the circular motion was more fluent
i could write about it
everything will make sense
i could write about it
autumn was much less windy
i could write about it
something about to change
i could write about it
the floorboards needed sweeping
i could write about it
refrigerators will need less attention
i could write about it
bacteria reproduced more slowly
i could write about it
this      will      not      happen
i could write about it
this would lead somewhere anywhere nowhere but here
i could write about it
molecules will alter their composition
i could write about it
body attached to driftwood floating by on the outskirts of self
i could write about it
there will be an onset
i will be right about that


PLAINTIVE plain·tive adj \ˈplān-tiv\ : expressive of suffering or woe : melancholy — plain·tive·ly adverb — plain·tive·ness noun Origin of PLAINTIVE Middle English plaintif grieving, from Anglo-French pleintif, plaintif, from plaint

SUBPOENA 1sub·poe·na noun \sə-ˈpē-nə, ÷-nē\ : a writ commanding a person designated in it to appear in court under a penalty for failure 2subpoena vt : to serve or summon with a writ of subpoena

PLAINTIFF plain·tiff noun \ˈplān-təf\ : a person who brings a legal action — compare defendant Origin of PLAINTIFF Middle English plaintif, from Anglo-French, from pleintif, adjective — compare the other side of takeout is mildew on rice


Tracing outline of shadow cast by small birch (almost leafless) on wall of house
Chalk on brick alphabet of geese
writing braille poems in
anticipation of winter
afternoons spent

collecting signs of

Published by Morten Mølgaard

cand.mag i engelsk og dansk, litteraturnørd og formidler.

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